View Annual Qaulity of Assurance Report 2022-23 (AQAR-22-23)
Index Page of AQAR for 2022-23
1.1.1 Relevance of curricula planned, designed and developed/adopted Syllabus
1.1.3 Revision of Programmes
Minutes of relevant Academic Council/BoS meetings
Details of the revised Curricula/Syllabi of the programmes
Data Template
1.1.4 Number of courses being offered as MOOCs or using OERs to supplement the existing courses (data for the preceding academic year: 2021-22)
List of MOOCs approved.
Curriculum/ Syllabus of the courses being offered as MOOCs or using OERs.
Minutes of the Boards of Studies/ School Boards/ Academic Council meetings for approvals of these courses.
Data Template
1.1.5 Programmes incorporating digital components in curriculum
1.2.2 Implementation of CBCS / ECS
1.2.4 Enabling provision for modular approach Provision for modular approach for flexible exit to the learners
1.3.1 Institution integrates crosscutting issues
1.3.2 Awareness/ soft skills / life skills/value-added courses etc., on offer
1.3.3 Learners undertaking fieldwork / projects / internships etc.
1.3.4 Courses on employability/ entrepreneurship/ skill development
1.4.1 Feedback for design and review of curriculum Mechanism
1.4.2 Action on feedback (feedback collection, analysis and action taken) Mechanism
2.1.1 Increase in the enrolment
2.1.2 Efforts for reaching the unreached
2.2.1 Catering to rural Population.
2.3.1 Development of Self-Learning Material (SLM) in Print
2.3.2 Use of Radio for providing instruction
2.3.3 Use of telecast / webcast for providing instruction
2.3.4 Availability of digitized SLMs for the learners.
2.3.5 Institutional Mechanism to provide academic counseling support
2.4.1 Full-time teachers and other academics in positionsn
2.4.2 Full-time teachers and other academics with Ph.D.
2.4.3 Programmes on offer through Collaboration
2.4.4 Average percentage of participation of in-house faculty involved in preparation of SLMs
2.4.5 Recognition earned by full time teachers and other academics.
2.4.6 Teaching Experience of Academic Counsellors.
2.5.1 Process of conduct of Term-end examination
2.5.2 Examination related Grievances
2.5.5 - Involvement of external subject experts in evaluation process
2.5.3 Formative Assessment
2.6.2 Completion status of UG and PG degree programmes (Link to declaration of results)
3.1.1 Policy for promotion of research
3.1.2 Research facilities for teachers, other academics and learners.
3.3.1 Innovative initiatives of the Institution
3.4.2: Web link of research page.
3.4.3: Number of research papers on an average published by teachers and other academics of the Institution.
3.4.4 Books and Chapters in edited volumes etc
3.4.5 Publications on Distance Education
3.5.1 Policy on Consultancy
3.6.1 Extension activities
3.6.3 Collaborative extension and outreach Programmes
3.6.4 Extension activities
4.1.1 Facilities at Institution Headquarters, Regional Centres and Learner Support Centres
4.1.2 Expenditure incurred for infrastructure augmentation.
4.1.3 expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support
4.2.2 ICT facility in RCs
4.2.3 ICT facilities at few LSCs
4.2.4 Frequency of updating of IT facilities
4.2.5 Internet Bandwidth at the HQs and RCs
4.2.8 Automation systems
4.3.1 Provision of Learner Support Services
4.3.3 Academic counselling sessions held
4.3.4 Annual expenditure on library.
4.3.5 Library Automation
5.1.1 Promotional Activities for Prospective Learners
5.1.2 Pre-admission Counseling Services
5.1.3 Online Admission and Related Activities
5.1.4 Dispatch of Study Material to Learners
5.1.5:Modes employed by the University to attend to learners’ queries
5.1.6 Academic counselling services
5.1.7 Addressing learners’ grievances
5.1.8 Special Learner Support Centres
5.1.9 Financial Support to learners of disadvantaged groups
5.2.1 Submission of assignments
5.3.1 The Alumni Association
5.3.2 Facilities for Alumni Engagement
5.3.3 Contribution of the Alumni Association
6.1.1 Governance in accordance with Mission and Vision
6.1.2 Decentralization and participative management
6.2.1 Perspective / Strategic plan and deployment
6.2.2 Organizational structure of the Institution
6.3.1 Welfare measures for teachers, other academics and non-academic staff
6.3.6 Mechanism of performance appraisal system, promotion for teachers, other academics and non-academic staff
6.3.5 Non-academic staff attended training Programmes
6.4.1 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization
6.4.2 Mobilization and utilization of resources
6.4.3 Expenditure by the Institution on learner support services.
6.5.2 Reforming institutional processes.
7.1.0 Number of activities conducted for promotion of universal values.
7.1.1 Measures initiated by the Institution for the promotion of gender equity during the year
7.1.2 Gender sensitivity at work place
7.1.3 facilities for the management of the degradable and non-degradable waste
7.1.8 Core values displayed on website (URL of core values, mission and vision)
7.1.9 Sensitization of students and employees of the institution to constitutional obligations: values, rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens
7.1.11 - Institution celebrates / organizes national and international commemorative days, events and festivals
7.2 Best Practices (Link to reports given by CIQA)
7.3.1 Areas of distinctiveness Link to reports given by CIQA