To provide digital learning platform with latest technology enabled learning experiences and support services to achieve inclusive development for enhancing knowledge and skills.
To nurture the COE as a leading online education centre to foster open and distance learning.(The vision is to align with the equitable use of technology mentioned in chapter 24 of NEP-2020 to provide affordable, flexible and ubiquitous learning environment.)
To offer the student-oriented learning opportunity to a diverse learners community through automation and digitization. It will provide quality higher education in open learning mode to meet the national priorities.
- To create an environment in the university to foster the online education in line with the UGC (ODL programme and Online Programmes) Regulations 2020.
- To strengthen the IT infrastructure for promotion of online education.
- To strive to support affordable, barrierless, and flexible quality education.
- To provide quality higher education and services while supporting data-driven innovation.
- Toprovide need-based online learning opportunities for professional development and skill upgradation to existing workforce.
- To provide capacity building opportunities to all online education providers.
Prof. Ajender Kumar Malik, Director, COE |
Dr. C. K. Singh, Deputy. Director, COE |
Dr. Sadhana Srivastav, Asst.Director, COE |
Mr. Sarvesh Kumar Tripathi, Editor- Consultant, COE |
Centre for Online Education Email Id :-