Application Feb 2024-25
1 Application submitted to UGC-DEB for recognition of programmes for session Feb 2024-25 onwards
  Document (View)
2 Year of establishment and Type
  1998 (State Open) (View)
3 Mode
  Single Mode (ODL) (View)
4 UGC Status
  Section 2(f) (View)
5 NAAC Grade
  2.6 (B+) Valid till 02/01/2028 (View)
6 Statutory Bodies approval under its Act
  Provision to offer ODL Programmes (View)
7 Affidavit submitted is
  Original (Yes) (View)
  In the prescribed format (Yes) (View)
  Duly notarized (Yes) (View)
  Duly signed (Yes) (View)
8 Letters for sanctioned post
  Letters for sanctioned post (View)
  Ordinance &Statue Provision 3.19(i) (View)
  List of Directors and Faculty Members (View)
9 Built up area is adequate
  DPR of Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati Campus of UPRTOU (View)
10 Territorial Jurisdiction
  Copy of relevant page of Act (View)
11 Administrative (non-teaching) staff
  Administrative (non-teaching) staff (View)
12 Approval of PPR by Statutory bodies
  Approval of PPR by Statutory bodies (View)
13 Approval of SLM by Statutory bodies
  Approval of SLM by Statutory bodies (View)
14 PPR Documents
  M.A. (Yoga) (View)
  M.A. (Mathematics) (View)
  M.Sc. (Mathematics) (View)
  M.Sc. (Environment Science) (View)
15 Recognition Letters
  Jul-23 (View)
  Jan-24 (View)
16 Documentary proof of Science programme being offered from the Head Quarters and/or only from such Learner Support Centres which are offering same programme under conventional mode atleast for seven years
  FormatApplication for establishing/ retaining Learner Support Centers (View)
  FormatApplication for establishing/ retaining Learner Support Centers (View)
  Undertaking and List of LSC (View)
17 Guidelines for development of SLM
  Guidelines for development of SLM (View)
18 Weightage of Continuous Assessment and end semester examination
  Weightage of Continuous Assessment and end semester examination (View)
19 Appointment Letters
  Appointment Letters (View)