The School of Health Sciences at UPRTOU Allahabad has vision to establish its identity as an nationally and internationally recognized ideal model for the imparting education in the field of health and its allied disciplines through ODL mode by preparing exceptional scholars at large scale. It inculcates core values which infuse strong commitments among students and faculties filled with ethical and moral values including professionalism, to uplift the quality life in the society.
Planning :-
- To start new UG & PG courses based on need of society and having larger scope of employment.
- To develop SLM of school which would facilitate students on one hand and on the other hand would also minimise expenditure on purchase of books.
- To start different types of short term training programmes in different areas of health and its allied disciplines.
- To focus on enhancement of quality of education and quantity of students.
- To establish various laboratories on campus related to the need of school programmes.
- To promote research activities and publications.
- To have collaborations with national and international organizations of repute.
- To organize health camps, health seminars and conferences including workshops.